
Financial Planning

Elderly Caregiver Facts and Figures

These days, people who live to age 65 can expect to live at least another 20 years. That means many are likely to require some form of assisted caregiving. According to aging experts, the following guidelines describe characteristics of those most likely to need long-term care: Age – Risk increases […]

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What Leading Economic Indicators Tell Us

One of the reasons investing is tricky is because it involves so many factors that we cannot control. One factor is the specific investment itself. In the case of a stock, the share price relies on company management and leadership; manufacturing, marketing and distribution; and balancing expenses with revenues. Another […]

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High Concept Strategies: Goals-Based Investing

This is the first of a series of articles discussing various types of high-concept investment styles. This month we start with goals-based investing. Goal-based investing became popular after the Great Recession of 2008-09. Many salaried, middle-class workers lost their jobs, had to stop contributing to their 401(k) plan or, worse […]

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