
August 1, 2024

Clean Energy, Curing Parkinson’s, Prison Oversight and Impeaching Supreme Court Justices

Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (S 111) – This bill was introduced by Sen. Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV) on March 30, 2023. This bipartisan legislation is designed to strengthen America as a leader in energy security. This bill includes measures to bolster clean nuclear power, establish strong union jobs, and achieve our nationwide net-zero emission goal by 2050. Versions of this bill passed in the Senate and House over the past year, and it was signed into law by the president on July 9.

Fire Grants and Safety Act (S 559) – This act enables communities across the United States to hire more firefighters and first responders, as well as increase safety measures. It was introduced by Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) on Feb. 28, 2023. The final version of the bill passed in the House and Senate in May and June, respectively; and it was signed into law on July 9.

Dr. Emmanuel Bilirakis and Honorable Jennifer Wexton National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act (HR 2365) – Introduced by Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) on March 29, 2023, this bill passed in the House on Dec. 14, 2023, the Senate in May and was signed into law by the president on July 2. This bipartisan bill authorizes the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to implement a program designed to prevent, diagnose, treat and cure Parkinson’s disease, as well as improve the care of people who suffer from it.

Debbie Smith Act of 2023 (HR 1105) – Introduced on Feb. 7, 2023, by Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO), this bill reauthorizes funding for the government’s DNA backlog grant program through fiscal year 2029. The program provides grants to state and local governments to extend collection and analysis of DNA evidence used in sexual assault kits and other purposes. This largely bipartisan bill passed in the House in November 2023 and the Senate on July 11. It is currently awaiting enactment by the president.

Federal Prison Oversight Act (HR 3019) – This bill establishes an inspection regime for the Bureau of Prisons (BOP). Provisions stipulate that prison inspections may be announced or unannounced; an ombudsman will be appointed to receive complaints and determine actions; and the BOP may not retaliate against anyone who initiates an investigation or inspection under this bill. The legislation was sponsored by Rep. Lucy McBath (D-GA) on April 28, 2023. It passed in the House on May 21, the Senate on July 10, and is awaiting signature by the president.

Impeaching Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors (H Res 1353) – This resolution, which introduces articles of impeachment of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, was presented by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on July 10. The three articles are 1) Failure to disclose financial income, gifts and reimbursements, property interests, liabilities and transactions, among other information; 2) Refusal to recuse from matters concerning his spouse’s legal interest in cases before the court; and 3) Refusal to recuse from matters involving his spouse’s financial interest in cases before the court. While the resolution was co-sponsored by 19 Democrats, it has no chance of passage in the Republican-held House.

Impeaching Samuel Alito Jr., Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors (H Res 1354) – This resolution was also introduced by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on July 10. It features the following two articles: 1) Refusal to recuse from cases in which he had a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party in cases before the court; and 2) Failure to disclose financial income, gifts and reimbursements, property interests, liabilities and transactions, among other information. This resolution was co-sponsored by the same 19 Democrats with no chance of passage in this congressional session.
